Made in Gsermany


Longer service life, better performance

In heavy-duty lifting technology, the right lubricant can be the deciding factor when you are aiming for reliable, problem-free machine operation. There is an overwhelming number of options out there, but we are happy to help you find the right one for you. We work with a broad range of manufacturers and will gladly work with you to identify the best product for your particular use case. To date, these lubricants have proven some of the most effective:

For lifting technology:

  • MOLYKOTE Longterm 00 (Dow Corning)
  • Berutox M21 Plus (Klüber Lubrication)
  • OKS 250 White All Round Paste (OKS)
  • M21 Plus (Bechem)
  • Gleitmo 805 / Gleitmo wsp 5040 for extremely heavy loads (Fuchs Lubritech GmbH)
  • HTF 940 (DGM-Mineral oils)

For food and medical technology:

  • PARALIQ GA 351 (Klüber Lubrication)

For roller and sliding bearings in general:

  • Klüberplex BE 11-462 (Klüber Lubrication)